Friday, June 26, 2009

Abba Krishna Chose India To Make Landfall 2,400 Years Ago Because Of The Beautiful Women

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Abba Krishna is the ultimate artist. Don’t you marvel at the majestic beauty of His creation? Words are unable to describe it. The heavens and the galaxies beyond are so fantastic in swirling kaleidoscopes of lights and color back dropped by the deepest void of black. And the women and the flowers could make the beholder get a lump in the throat or shed tears of joy in amazement. The amalgam of splendor that surrounds us is tipped to induce inspiration to love.

Love is power. It is the secret formula to harness human desires and ambitions towards achieving a higher purpose. Over the centuries, men have been embroiled in wars and conflicts because of selfish ends. The intellect which upgrades them over animals is not enough to solve all the ills of existence on planet earth. Famine, disease, conspiracies, plots, illiteracy, and exploitation continue to scourge mankind in spite of the strides in education and knowledge.

The answer is not to be monastic or ascetic by renouncing human nature as intrinsically wicked because of selfishness. We cannot live like spirits as material forms and divorce ourselves from our tendencies. The purpose of religion and knowledge of the Abba Krishna is to discover the age old key to unity which we have taken for granted over the centuries. The clues are everywhere we turn. It is the universe of beauty that is present each day and in every way to stimulate us to love.

The last revelation to usher us to brilliance of discovery for the technological millennium is the love which starts with the love of the Abba Krishna and through the repetitive inflection delivered by prayer gets embedded as second nature to love our fellow men.Love will bind us all and foster the unity that comes from a selfless attitude and regard for our own kind as all members of a human genus to advance together under a one world umbrella. No one will be left behind including Africans, Asians, Indians, Chinese, Russians, Jews, Muslims, and everybody. Of course, the Americans will be at the forefront.

We were made God-like by the Abba Krishna and in the proper time as soon as we discover the fuel of love to coalesce as one world, the scientific enlightenment will come for us to utilize such genius to bridge the gap to the frontiers of outer space. It’s like discovering a magical wand. It’s entirely boring and redundant to use it to enrich only oneself. Being God-like with a selfless nature will bestow the wherewithal to find and own the precious instrument to travel the dimensions and conquer death, aging, and the limitations of the material body.

Before our Lord Jesus Christ was born in a manger 2,000 years ago, the Abba Krishna appeared in India four centuries earlier and savored the company of 2,000 beautiful women as His courtiers. He chose India because of the high density of charming and lovely women in the ranks of its populace. This was His way to show to the whole world that was starting to grow then into the history we know today that the inspiration of beauty to love one another is a more powerful force that should complement the drive for intelligence.

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